According to psychoanalytic theories human development is mainly determined by some true facts. Let’s go we are going to discuss on the topic.
Human development talks about the widening of human’s freedom, mindset and enhancing well-being. It focuses to the study of how people changes as time passes by. This simply points about the expansion of a person’s ability in relation to the circumstances he or she in into.
However, this also seeks to understand why people stay the same even many years went by. What are the factors affecting on it?
You can read also:What is Psychoanalytic Developmental Theory?
According to psychoanalytic theories human development is mainly determined by some psychological & physical terms. Here we will discuss about those topics.
Sigmund Freud proposed the psychoanalytic theory of personality. It states that the three component parts of human mind: the id, ego and super ego are the reasons why a person behaves as he or she is. Therefore, people do a certain action based on the parts of his or her mind.
Freud’s structural theory of personality emphasized how the unconscious mind affects the person’s character. As the result of this theory, five psychosexual stages of human development was made. According to him, human development undergoes to this stages: oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital.
Oral Stage
At this stage, the baby’s mouth is the center of libido. Babies take satisfaction from placing almost all things inside its mouth. During this stage, sucking, breastfeeding and biting are the main activities of babies. This happens from birth until 1 year-old.
Anal Stage
The baby’s anus is now the center of libido during this stage. They found pleasure in excreting wastes. During this time, babies are start learning to move bowel with the help of their parents. They are even happy holding their own feces. This stage happens from 1 to 3 years-old.
Phallic Stage
The child’s focus this time is in his or her genitals. He or she finds pleasure from touching his or her private part. Children on this stage center of pleasure is their genitals. This stage starts from 3 to 6 years-old.
Moreover, during this stage, both children, girl and boy develop jealousy. Sigmund Freud termed the crisis as Oedipus complex (in boys) and the Electra complex (in girls).
Oedipus complex happens when the boy wants all attention from his mother. At this point, a boy wants to take the place of his father form his mother’s life. However, Electra complex of girls is different. A girl wants her father but realizes she doesn’t have penis same as her father. At this stage, penis envy is developed to a girl that will later on leads to the desire to be a boy.
Latency Stage
During this stage, the child’s libido is hidden. Psychosexual effect during this stage is dormant. This stage happens from 6 years old until puberty.
Genital Stage
At this time, adolescents want to engage to sexual activities. Curiosity about sex takes place.
However, Freud’s idea received criticisms for it focuses more to human’s sexuality. It emphasized that personality development is driven by sexuality.
What Mainly Determines Human Development According to Psychoanalytic Theory?
From the idea of psychoanalytic theories, our unconscious drives and motives determines human development.
From Freud’s theory, the actions and behavior of human are the result of desires from unconscious mind that still influence his or her behavior. He believed that the mind is composed of two parts; the tiny conscious portion and the larger subconscious part.
Moreover, when a person uses the conscious part to do the action, subconscious or unconscious portion plays great all over influence in his or her behavior. For example, when you say “I don’t like you” instead of majority people say “I like you” may be what is really true. Your unconscious mind expresses the true feeling of dislike.
Human Development awareness inspires us to understand the nature of life. It helps us appreciate our own life experiences and the beauty of life. Furthermore, it motivates us to grow personally with a healthy motive.
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